Anguish & Joy

You sow what you reap, and the harvest will come.
Choose to plant virtues, rather than vices.
Work on avoiding temptations to sin.
Minimize the anguish in your life.





A thought of sin
can lead to communication or lack of communication.

Which lead to actions,
such as a reaction to a stimulus.

Actions can lead to a loss
a lesson of life, the end of a relationship, a death.

Loss leads to sorrow and feeling anguish.
Forgiving, repenting and saying
"I am sorry" to God, to yourself, to the other person releases you.

Sorrow leads to birth
feeling accepted, joy, confidence and higher self esteem.


A thought of virtue
can lead to communication expressed.

Which lead to actions,
such as being proactive.

Actions can lead to gain
blessings and love.

Gain leads to joy
saying "I love you" & "I am sorry" to God, to yourself and to others

Joy leads to rebirth
feeling rejuvenated, alive, and in harmony with life.


princ, 2012jan26, temptations, desire, sin, sins, death, anguish, birth, virtue, virtues, vice, vices, lessons, blessings, self esteem, confidence, harmony, sorrow, sorry, repenting, repent